  • GAT Physics

    • For Ph.D., M.Phil, HEC Scholarships (Local & Foreign)
    • NTS & Other Related Tests
    • Classical Mechanics
    • Quantum Mechanics
    • Thermodynamics & Statistical Mechanics
    • Electromagnetic Theory
    • Electronics
    • Mathematical Methods of Physics
    • Computational Physics
    • Solid State Physics
    • Digital Electronics
    • Atomic and Molecular Physics
    • Medical Physics
    • Semiconductor Physics
    • Syllabus of Subject Test
    • Fully Solved Model Paper
  • GAT Mathematics

    • For Ph.D., M.Phil, HEC Scholarships (Local & Foreign)
    • NTS & Other Related Tests
    • Foundation of Mathematics
    • Elementary Mathematics
    • Calculus
    • Algebra
    • Complex Analysis
    • Differential Equation
    • Analytic Geometry
    • Vector
    • Number Theory
    • Real Analysis
    • Functional Analysis
    • Computational Mathematics
    • Mathematical Statistics Probability
    • Instruction for GAT Test Day
    • Important Information
    • Test Contents
    • Areas of General Selection
    • Syllabus of Subject Test
    • Fully Solved Model Paper
  • GAT Management Sciences

    • For Ph.D., M.Phil, HEC Scholarships (Local & Foreign)
    • NTS & Other Related Tests
    • Finance
    • Accounting
    • Marketing
    • Management
    • Quantitative Techniques
    • Business Research Methods
    • Business Communication and Report Writing
    • Economics
    • Glossary
    • Syllabus of Subject Test
    • Fully Solved Model Paper
  • GAT English Literature

    • For Ph.D., M.Phil, HEC Scholarships (Local & Foreign)
    • NTS & Other Related Tests
    • Literary Terms
    • Literary Movements
    • Poetry/Poets
    • Drama/Dramatists
    • Novel/Novelists
    • Prose/Prose-Writers
    • Short Story/Writers
    • Criticism/Critics
    • History of English Literature
    • Postcolonial/Postmodern
  • GAT English Linguistics

    • For Ph.D., M.Phil, HEC Scholarships (Local & Foreign)
    • NTS & Other Related Tests
    • What is Linguistics?
    • Phonetics and Phonology
    • Morphology
    • Syntax
    • Semantics
    • Pragmatics
    • Discourse
    • Sociolinguistics
    • Neuro & Psycholinguistics
    • Expected Questions for Coming Exams
    • Literary Terms and Figures of Speech
    • Glossary of Linguistics
    • Some Valuable
    • Abbreviations
    • Linguistics Terms
    • Syllabus of Subject Test
    • Fully Solved Model Paper
  • GAT Education

    • For Ph.D., M.Phil, HEC Scholarships (Local & Foreign)
    • NTS & Other Related Tests
    • History of Education in Pakistan
    • Philosophy of Education
    • Educational Policy, Planning, and Management
    • Teaching Methods & Instructional Technology
    • Curriculum Development
    • Measurement Testing and Evaluation
    • Conducting research in Education
    • Learner’s Psychology
    • Expected Questions for Comming Exam
    • Glossary of Education Terms
    • Syllabus of Subject Test
    • Fully Solved Model Paper
  • GAT Economics

    • For Ph.D., M.Phil, HEC Scholarships (Local & Foreign)
    • NTS & Other Related Tests
    • Introduction About GAT
    • How to Register?
    • District Lists of Pakistan
    • Instruction for GAT Test Day
    • Important Information
    • Test Contents
    • Areas of General Selection
    • Syllabus of Subject Test
    • Fully Solved Model Paper
    • Verbal Ability
    • Sentence Completion
    • Analogies
    • What is Analytical Reasoning?
    • How to Solve Analytical reasoning Questions?
    • Data Analysis
    • Decision-Making Tests
    • Micro Economics
    • Marco Economics
    • Major Issues in Economics
    • Islamic Economic
  • GAT Computer Engineering/Science

    • For Ph.D., M.Phil, HEC Scholarships (Local & Foreign)
    • NTS & Other Related Tests
    • Computer Architecture and Organization
    • Electronic Devices & Circuits
    • Operating Systems
    • Discrete Structures
    • Data Structures and Algorithms
    • Computer Networks & Communications
    • Programming Paradigms & Language
    • Software Engineering
    • Database Management
    • Digital System Design
    • Distributed Systems
    • Human-Computer Interaction
    • Social & Professional Issues
    • MCQs on Computer Science
    • Introduction About GAT
    • How to Register?
    • District Lists of Pakistan
    • Instruction for GAT Test Day
    • Important Information
    • Test Contents
    • Areas of General Selection
    • Syllabus of Subject Test
    • Fully Solved Model Paper
  • GAT Chemistry

    • For Ph.D., M.Phil, HEC Scholarships (Local & Foreign)
    • NTS & Other Related Tests
    • Analytical Chemistry
    • Inorganic Chemistry
    • Applied Chemistry
    • Industrial Chemistry
    • Organic Chemistry
    • Biochemistry
    • Functional Groups
    • Alcohols & Phenols
    • Environmental Chemistry
    • Benzenes
    • Carboxylic Acid & Amino Acid
    • Physical Chemistry
    • Gases & Liquids
    • Atomic Structure
    • Solutions
    • Syllabus of Subject Test
    • Fully Solved Model Paper
  • LAW GAT Test Guide

    • Revised Syllabus & Distribution of Marks – 2023
    • Selection Procedure
    • LAW-GAT An Introduction
    • What is Law-GAT
    • Constitutional History
    • A Brief Background Constitutional History
    • Constitution of Pakistan 1973
    • International Law
    • English Jurisprudence
    • Islamic Jurisprudence
    • Criminal Law
    • Pakistan Penal Code (CPC)
    • Criminal Procedure Code
    • Law of Evidence
    • Professional Ethics
    • English Legal Language
    • Eligibility Criteria for HEC Law GAT
    • Requirements/Conditions/Terms
    • Important Instructions for Solving MCQs Paper
    • Fully Solved LAW-GAT Sample Questions